Beyond Debt Now — our giveaway through which we pay off a significant portion (or all) of a client’s debt — is more than a company initiative. To the clients selected for this giveaway, it’s a lifeline.
We continue to impress upon our clients that debt is something you have, not someone you are. Beyond Debt Now was created to go that extra mile for those of our clients who could really use “a win.” The idea is to remove one of their burdens — crippling debt — from their lives immediately, and allow them to turn their attention towards their goals for the future.
Meet Lynda

This month’s recipient is Lynda Flores, an advertising agency associate director from the greater Los Angeles area. She used her keen research experience to find a debt solutions company she trusted.
Lynda struggled to find a job for 8 long months, avoiding collection calls and consumed with worry about her family’s ability to stay afloat. Credit cards kept them above water for that time, but as each became maxed out and the interest grew, Lynda realized she had no idea how she’d pay them off.
“Once I got a new job, I couldn’t catch up,” she said. “I could barely make my mortgage, which really scared me. I needed help, so I began looking for a solution.”
Lynda kept this from her husband, ashamed by the mounting debt. She now believes going through this alone “was the worst mistake.”
Bearing the burden of all that financial stress on her own, without anywhere to turn, became too much for her. But when she talked to Beyond Finance, she finally felt this was the “best decision” for her.
Lynda‘s Story
Lynda was like millions of Americans struggling with personal debt — she suffered in silence. And debt affects more than financial stability. It can damage one’s mental health, leaving someone without hope. Fortunately, Lynda’s research and determination rewarded her with a path forward.
We spoke with Lynda and asked her to share her story, starting with that first moment of hope.
How did you feel when you reached out to Beyond Finance?
I spoke with an amazing representative who gave me hope. He showed compassion and suggested a solution that would work within my budget. Other companies also contacted me, but I didn’t feel like they cared about my feelings, so I chose Beyond Finance.
Speaking with the representative and reviewing my finances made it real by giving me a plan to fix my debt since I was out of options. I have hope now because it will all be sorted out by a specific time instead of never knowing if I will ever get everything paid off.
Once your debt assessment was completed and you learned your new lower payment, how did you feel about it — and at any point did you ever second guess your decision?
My new payment was doable! I learned to cut back and focus on necessities, but knowing there was a light at the end of the tunnel after four years, I was relieved.
My time with Beyond Finance so far has taught me how to budget better so I don’t end up in the same situation again. Though there have been tough times, I’ve completely trusted Beyond Finance through the process and am so grateful that I found them.
How did you feel when you learned you were nominated and selected for Beyond Debt Now?
When I got the call from Beyond Finance, I didn’t know what to expect. Although I was told this would be exciting news, I expected the worst. Hearing that one of my debts was going to be taken care of by Beyond Finance was the best news I could have received.
I didn’t know this program even existed, but it reaffirms that Beyond Finance cares about its clients, freeing them from debt as quickly as possible.
Why Beyond Debt Now?
Beyond Debt Now is an act of gratitude for our clients who want to do the right thing and pay off their debt, regardless of how challenging it can be. The most important thing is to customize a solution to help consumers get out of debt quickly, allowing them to focus on the things in life that are important to them.
Lynda shared her advice to other clients: “It takes patience and trust in the process, but it absolutely works.” Lynda has access to exclusive resources Beyond Finance offers, like financial client counseling and therapy sessions designed to help our clients improve their relationships and skills with money.
Her progress in eliminating her debt has inspired Lynda to start financial planning, and her confidence continues to grow each day.