Two thirds of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, struggling to meet their payment obligations and often accumulating debt just to stay afloat. Breaking free from this cycle is essential for achieving financial wellness.
A recent Marketwatch study reveals that 75% of those earning $50,000 yearly or less and 67% of those earning between $50,000 and $100,000 are not able to save month to month.
Dr. Erika Rasure, Beyond Finance’s chief financial wellness advisor, recently participated in an expert panel for GoBankingRates’ article “8 Moves to Make Now if You’re Running Out of Money Each Month While Making a Good Income,” She highlights the importance of consistently budgeting for financial health.
“While budgeting is a common sense technique for good money management, like any habit you hope to change, consistency is key,” she said. “A budget is a tool, not a fix-all. It’s only helpful if you’re consistent with it, so find one that works for you.”
As one of the nation’s largest debt consolidation organizations, Beyond Finance is dedicated to empowering consumers with a smarter path to financial freedom. Through tailored solutions, Beyond Finance helps clients reduce monthly payments, minimize interest impact, and achieve a debt-free life—using proprietary tools designed for transparency and ease-of-use.