Recent News

Beyond Finance Experts: “BNPL is Definitely Not a Dying Trend.”
When money is tight, paying with Buy Now Pay Later options (BNPL) options are tempting. They’re also not a trend. Understanding is crucial.

GoBankingRates Has Beyond Finance’s Nathan Astle Address How to Eliminate $100,000 of Personal Debt
Certified Financial Therapist and our own Nathan Astle discussed how to manage personal debt–and answer as simple as it is stellar.

CNET Includes Beyond Finance in National Conversation About Credit Card Payoffs
If there is a conversation about debt consolidation services and credit card payoffs, Beyond Finance is ready to speak. Then, CNET called.

Yahoo Finance Shares Dr. Erika Rasure’s Advice: Retail Therapy Can Destroy Your FinancesDr. Erika Rasure, “Retail Therapy Can Destroy Your Finances.”
Do you practice “retail therapy?” A trip to the “doctor’s office” inside the mall? Our Dr. Erika thinks you may be destroying your finances.

Yolanda Schufford Featured as a Panelist for the 2023 Women in Consumer Finance Conference
Yolanda Schufford of Beyond Finance spoke a the three-day Women in Consumer Finance conference.

Nathan Astle Quoted in The New York Times About a Midlife Crisis
The New York Times called upon a couple of experts to discuss retirement and midlife crises. One was Beyond Finance’s Nathan Astle, CFT.