Moving Beyond Debt
Personal finance tips and helpful advice for your journey towards a debt-free future
Ready. Set. Go: Four Positive Lifestyle Changes to Make This Year
Ready to take control of your finances? Don’t worry, Beyond Finance has you covered with four lifestyle changes to make this year.
Six Budget Hacks You Should Know for 2023
Americans have never had more personal debt in history. That’s why some the smart minds at Beyond Finance have six budget hacks for 2023.
Three Ways to Combat Holiday Spending Stress and Help Your Mental Health
Holiday spending have you stressed? Join the club, which is why our financial therapists have three surefire tips to help the Yuletide season.
Financial De-Stress – Week 10: The Power of Gratitude
This exercise helps you stay ahead of your stress response by changing your entire mindset. These tools have the potential to provide you with an immediate sense of well-being and can help you be more resilient to the stressors you face in the future.
Financial De-Stress – Week 9: Using Visualization to Find Calm
Try this simple exercise that can be part of your process of being present and fully aware of where you are and what you’re doing—all with the help of your imagination. This exercise will help you use visualization to achieve a state of mind that gives you power over debt.
Financial De-Stress – Week 8: The Impact of Compassion
This exercise is designed to help you increase your feelings of compassion, both for yourself and others. Follow these three simple steps and focus on inner peace to stir up your compassion.
Back To School: A College Student’s Quick Guide to Credit Card Literacy
Credit card literacy often does not take place with college students until it is too late. Credit cards can be a great asset for college students and, when used properly, they can be resourceful for emergencies or essentials and establishing credit. College students must realize the habits they set now…
Financial De-Stress – Week 7: What is Your Body Telling You?
If you feel physically ill, in pain or tense when a stressful event is on its way, your body is actually trying to talk to you! It’s communicating exactly what your stress triggers are, and if you listen, you can start taking control of those stress responses and stop them from fully developing.
Financial De-Stress – Week 6: Practicing Mindfulness
Mindfulness is one of the best tools for calming anxiety, depression, and pain. Use this exercise to step away from a heightened state, and come back to an awareness of your own body and breath.
Financial De-Stress – Week 5: Stop the Burn Today!
The “Stop the Burn” exercise identifies the area in your body where you have the most stress-related pain and discomfort. Learn how to use progressive muscle relaxation to gain control and release your tension.