Moving Beyond Debt

Personal finance tips and helpful advice for your journey towards a debt-free future

Credit Types

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You’ll discover that borrowing money and accessing credit always involves a basic premise – and that premise is consistent regardless of whether your borrowing is associated with a credit card, personal loan, business line of credit, or a long-term loan. The fact of the matter is; you are expected to…
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Fixed Vs. Variable Rate Loans

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Calculating your loan payments & Secured vs Unsecured Loans When it comes to interest rates, they are either fixed or variable. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Typically, installment loans use a fixed interest rate because the repayment amount and schedule are fixed. However, revolving loans more often than not…
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Safeguard Your Debit Card

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The digital age has ushered in convenience, but also one fear that most people share – having their identity and financial information stolen such as a debit card PIN (versus a credit card). Why? Because with your debit card you’re at risk as scammers can immediately begin funneling money out…
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The Path to Savings

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Let’s face facts; knowing how to get out of debt can be tough. Many of us fell into debt in the first place because of problems with personal finance, the skyrocketing costs of college education, or the setbacks life hands you such as layoffs and medical problems. There are numerous…
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Credit Cardio: 4 Ways to Exercise Better Control Over Your Spending

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You’ve done it! You successfully traversed another holiday shopping season. Well, maybe not successfully, and maybe it was more of a stumble than a traverse, but you made it through nonetheless! Now that the Yuletide joy has gone and the Season’s officially over, it’s time for the credit hangover to…
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